Algae Technology Educational Consortium (ATEC) is a Project of the Algae Foundation


ACES 2.0: Part 1: Macroalgae Part 2: Microalgae

Chapter 11: Seagriculture and TED Talks

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Seagriculture 2022

Seaweed aquaculture: opportunities, challenges and future directions

5 years of seaweed farm observations in extreme environments

MACMODS: A numerical tool to support the future of seaweed farming, farm design, and environmental feedbacks

Keynote Presentation, Upscaling and technological development projects by SINTEF Ocean

Why is red seaweed not cultivated

Scaling Seaweed for CO2 removal and a healthy planet

Seaweed & Climate Impacts a systems perspective and comparison with other foods

Cost Effective Methods for Verifying Nutrient Abatement by Farmed Seaweeds

Live Cooking Demonstration

Catenary arrays to unlock high density seaweed farming

Innovative solutions for seaweed farming and processing

Jeff Hafting Keynote Advancements in Canadian on-land seaweed cultivation

Discussion of the ARPA-E Mariner program

Line Grown Seaweed as an umami-packed superfood

Everything Seaweed

LorettaRoberson R&D of tropical seaweed aquaculture techniques in the Caribbean

Keynote: Summary results of 4 years of selectively breeding sugar kelp

Julia Marsh Potential of Seaweed Materials and Impact at Scale

Using seaweed to benefit the climate

Bailey Moritz Scaling Seaweed Farming as a Nature Based Solution

What is a right sized seaweed company?

Investing in Seaweed Panel

TED Talks

Vertical Ocean Farming:

Aquaculture: TEDxUSC

Sea the Future of our Food: